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Fernando V. Lima
Professor, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering


Journal Articles

  1. Beatriz Dantas, Austin Braniff, Claudemi A. Nascimento, Theodore Malencia, Fernando V. Lima, and Yuhe Tian. Risk-based process design and operations through an operability approach. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2025.
  2. Ulysses G. Ferreira, Sérgio M. S. Neiro, Luís C. Oliveira-Lopes, Thiago V. Costa, Heleno Bispo, and Fernando V. Lima. Operability for Process Flowsheet Analysis. Digital Chem. Eng., 100229, 2025.
  3. Victor Alves, and Fernando V. Lima. On the selection of control structures using process operability analysis. Control Eng. Pract., 153, 106117, 2024.
  4. Hunter Barber, Victor Alves, and Fernando V. Lima. Synergistic cotreatment of cooling tower blowdown and produced waters: Techno-economic, sustainability, and optimization systems analyses. Desalin. Water Treat., 100779, 2024.
  5. San Dinh, Kuan-Han Lin, Fernando V. Lima, and Lorenz T. Biegler. Self-stabilizing economic nonlinear model predictive control applied to modular systems . Comput. Chem. Eng., 108825, 2024.
  6. Selorme Agbleze, Lawrence J. Shadle, and Fernando V. Lima. Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Subcritical Coal-Fired Power Plant under Load-Following Conditions. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 63, 25, 11044–11056, 2024.
  7. Ashley McCullough, Lillian Bischof, Ronald Alexander, Selorme Agbleze, and Fernando V. Lima. Development of an Algorithm to Evaluate the Performance and Economic Feasibility of Expansion of Solar and Wind Power Generation in the Appalachian Region. International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment, 25, 8, 99-112, 2024.
  8. Vitor Gama, Beatriz Dantas, Oishi Sanyal, and Fernando V. Lima. Process Operability Analysis of Membrane-Based Direct Air Capture for Low-Purity CO2 Production. ACS Engineering Au, 4, 4, 394–404, 2024.
  9. Victor Alves, San Dinh, John R. Kitchin, Vitor Gazzaneo, Juan C. Carrasco, and Fernando V. Lima. Opyrability: A Python package for process operability analysis. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(94), 5966, 2024.
  10. Prodromos Daoutidis, Jay H. Lee, Srinivas Rangarajan, Leo Chiang, Bhushan Gopaluni, Artur M. Schweidtmann, Iiro Harjunkoski, Mehmet Mercangöz, Ali Mesbah, Fani Boukouvala, Fernando V. Lima, Antonio del Rio Chanona, and Christos Georgakis. Machine learning in process systems engineering: Challenges and opportunities. Comput. Chem. Eng., 181:108523, 2024.
  11. Hunter Barber, Lian-Shin Lin and Fernando V. Lima. Synergistic cotreatment of cooling tower blowdown and produced waters: Modeling strategies for a comprehensive wastewater treatment simulation. Desalination, 569, 117003, 2024.
  12. Dean M. Sweeney, Victor Alves, Savannah Sakhai, San Dinh,and Fernando V. Lima. Techno-economic Analysis and Optimization of Intensified, Large-Scale Hydrogen Production with Membrane Reactors. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 62, 46, 19740–19751, 2023.
  13. Victor Alves, John R. Kitchin and Fernando V. Lima. An inverse mapping approach for process systems engineering using automatic differentiation and the implicit function theorem. AIChE Journal, 69(9): e18119, 2023.
  14. Ronald Alexander, San Dinh, Guilhermina Schultz, Marcelo P. A. Ribeiro and Fernando V. Lima. State and Covariance Estimation of a Semi-Batch Reactor for Bioprocess Applications. Comput. Chem. Eng., 172:108180, 2023.
  15. Daniel Kestering, Selorme Agbleze, Heleno Bispo and Fernando V. Lima. Model Predictive Control of Power Plant Cycling Using Industry 4.0 Infrastructure. Digital Chem. Eng., 7:100090, 2023.
  16. San Dinh and Fernando V. Lima. Dynamic Operability Analysis for Process Design and Control of Modular Natural Gas Utilization Systems. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 62(5): 2052–2066, 2023.
  17. Rebecca Kim and Fernando V. Lima. Nonlinear Multiobjective and Dynamic Real-Time Predictive Optimization for Optimal Operation of Baseload Power Plants Under Variable Renewable Energy. Optimal Control Applications and Methods 44 (2):798-829, 2023.
  18. Victor Alves, Vitor Gazzaneo and Fernando V. Lima. A machine learning-based process operability framework using Gaussian processes. Comput. Chem. Eng., 163, 107835, 2022.
  19. Vitor Gazzaneo, Madelynn Watson, Carlie B. Ramsayer, Zachary A. Kilwein, Victor Alves and Fernando V. Lima. A Techno-Economic Analysis Framework for Intensified Modular Systems. J. Adv. Manuf. Process., 4(3), 2022.
  20. Brent Bishop and Fernando V. Lima. Novel Module-Based Design Algorithm for Intensified Membrane Reactor Systems. Processes 9 (12), 2165, 2021.
  21. Thiago J. B. Mesquita, Gilson Campani, Roberto C. Giordano, Marcelo P. A. Ribeiro, Antonio C. L. Horta, Teresa C. Zangirolami and Fernando V. Lima. Operability and Biomimetic Control of a Micro-aerated Fermentation Process. Comput. Chem. Eng., 155, 107511, 2021.
  22. Fernando V. Lima and Gerardo J. Ruiz-Mercado. Special Issue on “Bioenergy Systems, Material Management, and Sustainability” (Editorial) . Processes, 9(4), 590 , 2021.
  23. Willy R. de Araujo, Fernando V. Lima and Heleno Bispo. Dynamic and Statistical Operability of an Experimental Batch Process. Processes9 (3), 441, 2021.
  24. Brent Bishop and Fernando V. Lima. Novel Module-Based Membrane Reactor Design Approach for Improved Operability Performance . Membranes 11 (2), 157, 2021.
  25. Guilhermina Schultz, Ronald Alexander, Fernando V. Lima, Roberto C. Giordano and Marcelo P. A. Ribeiro. Kinetic Modeling of the Enzymatic Synthesis of Galacto-Oligosaccharides: Describing Galactobiose Formation. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 127:1-13, 2021.
  26. Ronald Alexander, Gilson Campani, San Dinh and Fernando V. Lima. Challenges and Opportunities on Nonlinear State Estimation of Chemical and Biochemical Processes . Processes 8 (11), 1462, 2020.
  27. Xin He and Fernando V. Lima. A modified SQP-based model predictive control algorithm: application to supercritical coal-fired power plant cycling. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 59(35):15671–15681, 2020.
  28. Rebecca Kim, Yifan Wang, Sai Pushpitha Vudata, Debangsu Bhattacharyya, Fernando V. Lima and Richard Turton. Dynamic optimal dispatch of energy systems with intermittent renewables and damage model . Mathematics, 8(6), 868, 2020.
  29. Vitor B. Furlong, Luciano J. Corrêa, Fernando V. Lima, Roberto C. Giordano and Marcelo P. A. Ribeiro. Estimation of biomass enzymatic hydrolysis state in stirred tank reactor through moving horizon algorithms with fixed and dynamic fuzzy weights. Processes, 8(4), 407, 2020.
  30. Shuyun Li, Gerardo J. Ruiz-Mercado and Fernando V. Lima. A visualization and control strategy for dynamic sustainability of chemical processes. Processes 8(3), 310, 2020.
  31. Rebecca Kim and Fernando V. Lima. A Tchebycheff-based multi-objective combined with a PSO-SQP dynamic real-time optimization framework for cycling energy systems. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. , 156:180-194, 2020.
  32. Brent Bishop and Fernando V. Lima. Modeling, simulation, and operability analysis of a nonisothermal, countercurrent, polymer membrane reactor. Processes, 8(1), 78, 2020.
  33. Vitor Gazzaneo, Juan C. Carrasco, David R. Vinson and Fernando V. Lima. Process operability algorithms: past, present and future developments. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 59(6):2457-2470, 2020.
  34. Babatunde A. Ogunnaike and Fernando V. Lima. Preface to the Christos Georgakis Festschrift (Editorial). Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 59(6):2211-2213, 2020.
  35. Gilson Campani, Marcelo P. A. Ribeiro, Teresa C. Zangirolami and Fernando V. Lima. A hierarchical state estimation and control framework for monitoring and dissolved oxygen regulation in bioprocesses. Bioproc. Biosyst. Eng., 42(9):1467-1481, 2019.
  36. Vitor Gazzaneo and Fernando V. Lima. Multilayer operability framework for process design, intensification, and modularization of nonlinear energy systems. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 58(15):6069–6079, 2019.
  37. Xin He and Fernando V. Lima. Development and implementation of advanced control strategies for power plant cycling with carbon capture. Comput. Chem. Eng., 121:497-509, 2019.
  38. Gaurav V. Mirlekar, Berhane H. Gebreslassie, Urmila M. Diwekar and Fernando V. Lima. Biomimetic model-based advanced control strategy integrated with multi-agent optimization for nonlinear chemical processes. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 140:229-240, 2018.
  39. Gaurav V. Mirlekar, Ghassan Al-Sinbol, Mario G. Perhinschi and Fernando V. Lima. A biologically-inspired approach for adaptive control of advanced energy systems Comput. Chem. Eng., 117:378-390, 2018.
  40. Juan C. Carrasco and Fernando V. Lima. Bilevel and parallel programming-based operability approaches for process intensification and modularity. AIChE Journal, Futures Issue, 64(8):3042-3054, 2018.
  41. Shuyun Li, Yacine Feliachi, Selorme Agbleze, Gerardo J. Ruiz-Mercado, Raymond L. Smith, David E. Meyer, Michael A. Gonzalez and Fernando V. Lima. A process systems framework for rapid generation of life cycle inventories for pollution control and sustainability evaluation. Clean Technol. Envir., 20(7):1543-1561, 2018.
  42. Xin He, Yifan Wang, Debangsu Bhattacharyya, Fernando V. Lima and Richard Turton. Dynamic modeling and advanced control of post-combustion CO2 capture plants. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 131:430-439, 2018.
  43. Nicholas J. Fouty, Juan C. Carrasco and Fernando V. Lima. Modeling and design optimization of multifunctional membrane reactors for direct methane aromatization. Membranes, 7 (3), 48; doi:10.3390/membranes7030048, 2017.
  44. Juan C. Carrasco and Fernando V. Lima. An optimization-based operability framework for process design and intensification of modular natural gas utilization systems. Comput. Chem. Eng., 105:246–258, 2017.
  45. Gaurav V. Mirlekar, Shuyun Li and Fernando V. Lima. Design and implementation of a biologically-inspired optimal control strategy (BIO-CS) for chemical process control. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 56(22):6468–6479, 2017.
  46. Juan C. Carrasco and Fernando V. Lima. Novel operability-based approach for process design and intensification: application to a membrane reactor for direct methane aromatization. AIChE Journal, 63(3):975-983, 2017.
  47. Shuyun Li, Gaurav V. Mirlekar, Gerardo J. Ruiz-Mercado and Fernando V. Lima. Development of chemical process design and control for sustainability. Processes, 4(3), 23; doi:10.3390/pr4030023, 2016.
  48. Andrew J. Radcliffe, Rajinder P. Singh, Kathryn A. Berchtold and Fernando V. Lima. Modeling and optimization of high-performance polymer membrane reactor systems for water-gas shift reaction applications. Processes, 4(2), 8; doi:10.3390/pr4020008, 2016.
  49. Fernando V. Lima, Prodromos Daoutidis and Michael Tsapatsis. Modeling, optimization, and cost analysis of an IGCC plant with a membrane reactor for carbon capture. AIChE Journal, 62(5):1568-1580, 2016.
  50. Franklin D. Rincón, Galo A. C. Le Roux and Fernando V. Lima. A novel ARX-based approach for the steady-state identification analysis of industrial depropanizer column datasets. Processes, 3(2):257-285, 2015.
  51. Mario G. Perhinschi, Ghassan Al-Sinbol, Debangsu Bhattacharyya, Fernando V. Lima, Gaurav V. Mirlekar and Richard Turton. Development of an immunity-based framework for power plant monitoring and control. Advanced Chemical Engineering Research, 4(1):15-28, 2015.
  52. Franklin D. Rincón, Galo A. C. Le Roux and Fernando V. Lima. The autocovariance least-squares method for batch processes: application to experimental chemical systems. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 53(46):18005–18015, 2014.
  53. Fernando V. Lima, Debangsu Bhattacharyya, Richard Turton, Priyadarshi Mahapatra and Stephen E. Zitney. Control of integrated gasification combined cycle power plants with CO2 capture. The Impact of Control Technology, 2nd edition, T. Samad and A.M. Annaswamy (eds.), IEEE Control Systems Society, 2014.
  54. Dimitrios Georgis, Fernando V. Lima, Ali Almansoori and Prodromos Daoutidis. Thermal management of a water-gas-shift membrane reactor for high-purity hydrogen production and carbon capture. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 53(18):7461−7469, 2014.
  55. Franklin D. Rincón, Marcelo Esposito, Pedro H. H. de Araújo, Fernando V. Lima and Galo A. C. Le Roux. Robust calorimetric estimation of semi-continuous and batch emulsion polymerization systems with covariance estimation. Macromol. React. Eng., 8(6):456–466,2014.
  56. Fernando V. Lima, Murali R. Rajamani, Tyler A. Soderstrom and James B. Rawlings. Covariance and state estimation of weakly observable systems: application to polymerization processes. IEEE Trans. Ctl. Sys. Tech., 21(4):1249-1257, 2013.
  57. Fernando V. Lima, Prodromos Daoutidis, Michael Tsapatsis and John J. Marano. Modeling and optimization of membrane reactors for carbon capture in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle units. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 51(15):5480-5489, 2012.
  58. Fernando V. Lima and James B. Rawlings. Nonlinear stochastic modeling to improve state estimation in process monitoring and control. AIChE Journal, 57(4):996-1007, 2011.
  59. Fernando V. Lima and Christos Georgakis. Input-output operability of control systems: the steady-state case. J. Proc. Cont., 20(6):769-776, 2010.
  60. Fernando V. Lima, Christos Georgakis, Julie F. Smith, Phillip D. Schnelle and David R. Vinson. Operability-based determination of feasible control constraints for several high-dimensional nonsquare industrial processes. AIChE Journal, 56(5):1249-1261, 2010.
  61. Gene A. Bunin, Fernando V. Lima, Christos Georgakis and Christopher M. Hunt. Model predictive control and dynamic operability studies in a stirred tank: rapid temperature cycling for crystallization. Chemical Engineering Communications, 197(5):733-752, 2010.
  62. Fernando V. Lima, Zhenya Jia, Marianthi Ierapetritou and Christos Georgakis. Similarities and differences between the concepts of operability and flexibility: the steady-state case. AIChE Journal, 56(3):702-716, 2010.
  63. Fernando V. Lima and Christos Georgakis. Design of output constraints for model-based non-square controllers using interval operability . J. Proc. Cont., 18(6):610-620, 2008.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

  1. Claudemi A. Nascimento, Victor Alves, Nor Farida Harun, Nana Zhou, Kenneth M. Bryden, Lawrence J. Shadle, David Tucker and Fernando V. Lima. Identification of Control State Changes in a Power Plant Desuperheater System via Transfer Functions and Gaussian Process Modeling. In Proceedings of the ASME 2024 POWER Conference, September 2024.
  2. Waleska M. S. Nascimento, Fernando V. Lima, João T. Manzi, and Heleno Bispo. Customization of Optimization Block Based on Entropic Minimization in AVEVA Process Simulation In Proceedings of the 24th Brazilian Congress of Chemical Engineering, 2023.
  3. Martin A. S. Gualco, Nicole R. Maione, Roberto C. Giordano, Fernando V. Lima and Marcelo P. A. Ribeiro. Monitoring of Enzymatic Synthesis of Galacto-oligosaccharides Using UV-PLS-EKF. In Proceedings of the 24th Brazilian Congress of Chemical Engineering, October 2023.
  4. San Dinh, Kuan-Han Lin, Fernando V. Lima and Lorenz T. Biegler. Self-stabilizing Economic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Modular Membrane Reactor Systems. In Proceddings of American Control Conference (ACC), June 2023.
  5. Kevin B. Donnelly, Fernando V. Lima and Nagasree Garapati. Seasonal Underground Thermal Energy Storage Integration with West Virginia Wind and Solar Energy Systems. In Proceedings of the GRC Transactions, Vol. 46, August 2022.
  6. Payton Seats, Mohammad H. Ahmed, Golnoosh Khajouei, Hunter Barber, Harry O. Finklea, Fernando V. Lima and Lian-Shin Lin. Multi-Objective Planning for Co-Managing Power Plant Blowdown Water and Shale Gas Produced Water for Resource Recovery. In Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress at Granada, Spain, June 2022.
  7. Vitor Gama, San Dinh, Victor Alves, Beatriz Dantas, Brent A. Bishop and Fernando V. Lima. Modeling and Process Operability Analysis of a Direct Air Capture System. In Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS), June 2022.
  8. San Dinh and Fernando V. Lima. Dynamic Operability Analysis for the Calculation of Transient Output Constraints of Linear Time-Invariant Systems. In Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, June 2022.
  9. Richard Turton, Brent A. Bishop and Fernando V. Lima. Development of learning modules for process plant operation. In Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference Exposition, July 2020.
  10. Selorme Agbleze, Fernando V. Lima, Natarianto Indrawan, Rupendranath Panday, Paolo Pezzini, Harry Bonilla-Alvarado, Kenneth M. Bryden, David Tucker and Lawrence J. Shadle. Modeling and control of subcritical coal-fired power plant components for fault detection. In Proceedings of the 2020 ASME ICONE 28-POWER, August 2020.
  11. Guilhermina Schultz, Fernando V. Lima, Roberto C. Giordano and Marcelo P. A. Ribeiro. Improvement of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) synthesis by the addition of sodium ions . In Proceedings of the 2019 SINAFERM Symposium (Brazil), July 2019.
  12. Vitor Gazzaneo, Juan C. Carrasco and Fernando V. Lima. An MILP-based operability approach for process intensification and design of modular energy systems. In Proceedings of Process Systems Engineering (PSE), July 2018.
  13. Gaurav V. Mirlekar, Berhane H. Gebreslassie, Shuyun Li, Urmila M. Diwekar and Fernando V. Lima. An integrated biomimetic control strategy with multi-agent optimization for nonlinear chemical processes. In Proceedings of the 2018 IFAC ADCHEM Symposium, July 2018.
  14. He Jin, Xin He, Pei Liu, Fernando V. Lima, Zheng Li, Debangsu Bhattacharyya and Richard Turton.Dynamic performance of post-combustion CO2 capture plant using MEA. In Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Coal Science Technology and 2017 Australia-China Symposium on Energy, September 2017.
  15. SiSi Guo, Rebecca Kim, Fernando V. Lima, Pei Liu and Zheng Li. Dynamic data reconciliation and optimization methods in coal-fired power plants. In Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Coal Science Technology and 2017 Australia-China Symposium on Energy, September 2017.
  16. Gaurav Mirlekar, Paolo Pezzini, Mark Bryden, David Tucker and Fernando V. Lima. A biologically-inspired optimal control strategy (BIO-CS) for hybrid energy systems. In Proceedings of the 2017 American Control Conference, May 2017.
  17. Juan C. Carrasco and Fernando V. Lima. Operability-based approach for process design, intensification, and control: application to high-dimensional and nonlinear membrane reactors. In Proceedings of Chemical Process Control (CPC), January 2017.
  18. Juan C. Carrasco and Fernando V. Lima. Nonlinear operability of a membrane reactor for direct methane aromatization. In Proceedings of the 2015 IFAC ADCHEM Symposium, June 2015.
  19. Franklin D. Rincón, Fernando V. Lima and Galo A.C. Le Roux. An ARX-based technique for steady-state identification of chemical processes. In Proceedings of the 2015 American Control Conference, July 2015.
  20. Franklin D. Rincón, Galo A. C. Le Roux and Fernando V. Lima. Implementation challenges of covariance estimation techniques for an experimental polymerization system. In Proceedings of the 2014 American Control Conference, June 2014.
  21. Fernando V. Lima, Rishi Amrit, Michael Tsapatsis and Prodromos Daoutidis. Nonlinear model predictive control of IGCC plants with membrane reactors for carbon capture. In Proceedings of the 2013 American Control Conference, June 2013.
  22. Dimitrios Georgis, Fernando V. Lima, Ali Almansoori and Prodromos Daoutidis. Modeling and control of a water gas shift membrane reactor for hydrogen production. In Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference, June 2012.
  23. Fernando V. Lima and Christos Georgakis. Dynamic operability for the calculation of transient output constraints for non-square linear model predictive controllers. In Proceedings of the 2009 IFAC ADCHEM Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2009.
  24. Fernando V. Lima, Christos Georgakis, Julie F. Smith and Phillip D. Schnelle. Analysis of the constraint characteristics of a sheet forming control problem using interval operability concepts. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 18th ESCAPE Symposium, 25:387-392, 2008.
  25. Fernando V. Lima and Christos Georgakis. On the operability of high-order multivariable non-square systems. In Proceedings of the 2007 IFAC DYCOPS Symposium, Cancun, Mexico, June 2007.
  26. Fernando V. Lima and Christos Georgakis. Operability of multivariable non-square systems. In Proceedings of the 2006 IFAC ADCHEM Symposium, Gramado, Brazil, April 2006.

Book Chapters

  1. Beatriz Dantas, Austin Braniff, Sahithi S. Akundi, Yuanxing Liu, Shayan S. Niknezhad, Faisal Khan, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, Fernando V. Lima, Yuhe Tian. An operability-based approach for integrated process design, operations, and risk management. In Methods in Chemical Process Safety: Method of Process Systems in Energy Systems, Faisal Khan (eds.), Elsevier, 2024.
  2. Selorme Agbleze, Shuyun Li, Erendira T. Quintanar-Orozco, Gerardo J. Ruiz-Mercado and Fernando V. Lima. Current Progress in Sustainability Evaluation, Pollution Prevention, and Source Reduction Using GREENSCOPE. In Sustainability Engineering: Challenges, Technologies and Applications, Eric C. D. Tan (eds.), Taylor Francis, 2023.
  3. Brent Bishop, Oishi Sanyal and Fernando V. Lima. Transport Phenomena in Polymeric Membrane Reactors. In Current trends and future developments on (bio-) membranes , A. Basile, K. Ghasemzadeh and A. Iulianelli (eds.), Elsevier, 2022.
  4. Fernando V. Lima, Xin He, Rishi Amrit and Prodromos Daoutidis. Advanced control strategies for IGCC plants with membrane reactors for CO2 capture. In Process systems and materials for CO2 capture: modelling, design, control and integration , A.I. Papadopoulos and P. Seferlis (eds.), Wiley, 2017.
  5. Fernando V. Lima, Shuyun Li, Gaurav V. Mirlekar, Lakshmi N. Sridhar and Gerardo Ruiz-Mercado. Modeling and advanced control for sustainable process systems. In Sustainability in the design, synthesis and analysis of chemical engineering processes , G. Ruiz-Mercado and H. Cabezas (eds.), Elsevier, 2016.